
Zombies + Dolls = Your Worst Nightmare

For many people, what I do as a doll photographer is creepy enough. But this - this just went to a whole new level of OMG!  Combine innocent looking dolls and give them a Walking Dead makeover...ya, you might want to sleep with the lights on after this.

Holy shit I had fun with these!  As a photographer it's such a blast when a client tells you to just have fun and do what you do - so that's exactly what I did!

Mombie & Son are the artistic team that created these OOAK (one of a kind) resin BJD dolls, and yes, you can actually own one  (or all) of them to terrorize your own home.  Hi, my name is Sharon and I am an enabler. 

sleep tight....

Mombie & Son  zombie-art.com

My Facebook page  facebook.com/dollpics

My Instagram sharwrightphoto